How can I refer to Live Well Leeds?

Live Well Leeds is commissioned to work with adults aged 18+ (17+ if they are transitioning from children’s mental health services), who have mild to moderate mental health support needs, throughout the Leeds Metropolitan District or registered with a Leeds GP as defined by NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

We will provide a package of support in the community for up to 6 months.

Live Well Leeds cannot take referrals for individuals with a primary diagnosis of Dementia or Learning Disability and these individuals will be signposted to appropriate support services.

We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties in receiving some referrals made through the Live Well Leeds website.

Please call 0113 219 2727 to make a referral via the phone.

If you wish to check if your referral has been received, please leave 24hrs from the time of referral before calling.

Referral Form

    What is your pronoun; write your own (eg. he/him/she/her/they/them)

    Do you give consent for Live Well Leeds to store your information on our electronic database?*
    I consentI do not consent

    Further info required at assessment

    Are you subject to a CPA*

    Do you have a social worker?*

    Do you receive adult and health services?*

    Do you have a diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Condition or believe you have an Autistic Spectrum Condition but have not been formally diagnosed?*

    Before submitting this form, please read our Privacy Policy to understand how we store and use your data.
    Confirm acceptance*

    *Required Field