How can I refer to Live Well Leeds?

Live Well Leeds is commissioned to work with adults aged 18+ (17+ if they are transitioning from children’s mental health services), who have mild to moderate mental health support needs, throughout the Leeds Metropolitan District or registered with a Leeds GP as defined by NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

We will provide a package of support in the community for up to 6 months.

Live Well Leeds cannot take referrals for individuals with a primary diagnosis of Dementia or Learning Disability and these individuals will be signposted to appropriate support services.

To make a referral, please fill in the following form.

    What is your pronoun; write your own (eg. he/him/she/her/they/them)

    Do you give consent for Live Well Leeds to store your information on our electronic database?*
    I consentI do not consent

    Further info required at assessment

    Are you subject to a CPA*

    Do you have a social worker?*

    Do you receive adult and health services?*

    Do you have a diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Condition or believe you have an Autistic Spectrum Condition but have not been formally diagnosed?*

    Before submitting this form, please read our Privacy Policy to understand how we store and use your data.
    Confirm acceptance*

    *Required Field