Download and use our logos

We offer our logos in several colours and sizes, so click on the colour and size that you require and it will open in a new browser tab. Right click on the image and select ‘Save Image’, or drag the image to your desktop. Alternatively, download a zip file of all sizes in their specific colour. Once you have downloaded the logo you want, upload the logo to your website and copy the code that corresponds to the colour and size of your logo and paste it into your website, substituting the for the name of your own website and the NameOfLogoDownloaded to the name of the specific logo you have downloaded.

You must ensure that the file path is correct. For example, if your images are stored in then amend the supplied code to include /images/ before the filename of the image.

Orange Logo


The above example code will display the orange logo at 500px.

White Logo


The above example code will display the white logo at 250px.

Black Logo


The above example code will display the black logo at 150px.